Analysis of Carrying Capacity for Development of Kacang Goat Livestock in Kabangka District, Muna Regency


  • Happy Soraya Halim
  • Nur Santy Asminaya
  • Musram Abadi



Kacang goat, livestock, farming, Kabangka District.


Goat farming is a business that is quite promising because it is relatively easy to care for, easy to adapt, has relatively high reproductive power, relatively small capital investment and is easy to market. This research analyses the potential supporting capacity for developing peanut goat farming in Kabangka District, Muna Regency. The research location was determined using purposive sampling (intentionally). The number of respondents used was 60, and the criteria was having more than three goats. The data obtained, both primary and secondary, were tabulated and analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The results show that in the physical aspect, breeders have cages (100%), pasture, agricultural extension agencies, and animal husbandry posts, but artificial insemination posts are not yet available. In non-physical aspects, it appears that the rearing system of goats is semi-intensive (63%), sick goats are generally not treated (80%), and diseases that attack goats include bloating (58%), scabies (6%) and worms (34%), the feed provided comes from grass gardens (75%), the water source comes from wells and given adlibitum, goats seeds come from outside of the sub-district (62%). Human resources has two extension workers and 1-3 family workers (60%). In the institutional aspect, there are farmer groups (75%). In the economic aspect, goat prices are determined by breeders with marketing channels from producers directly to consumers. The conclusion is that Kabangka District, Muna Regency, has excellent potential for developing goat farming businesses because adequate physical and non-physical aspects support it.


