Antibiotic Sensitivity Test on Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. Isolated from Broiler Chicken Holding Facilities at Traditional Markets in Kendari City


  • Yamin Yaddi
  • Fitrianingsih .
  • Restu Libriani
  • Fadli Ma’mun Pancar
  • Andini Sulfitrana
  • Muhamad Azwar Syah
  • Yenti Purnama Sari
  • Fitria Dewi
  • Andi Laila Nugrahawati
  • Ibran Eka Putra



broiler, erythromycin, bacterial resistance


Bacterial antibiotic resistance is a major obstacle in the world of health, both in humans and animals. The decrease in the cure rate and the increase in treatment time are the main impacts due to bacterial resistance. The participation of all parties is needed in handling this phenomenon, especially contamination from food and food ingredients. Chicken meat is one of the food sources of animal origin with the highest consumption level, especially in Kendari City. Food contamination can occur at market locations, transportation or maintenance locations. Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. are bacteria that are indicators of contaminants. The use of antibiotics during maintenance allows resistance to these bacteria. This study showed Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. had developed resistance to erythromycin 89,36% (42/47) and 74,46% (36/48), respectively. The resistance of Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. to erythromycin is thought to be due to the uncontrolled use of antibiotics.


