Characteristics of Rice Bran Stored in Different Packaging


  • Hari Setiawan
  • Nur Santy Asminaya
  • Fuji Astuti Auza



Characteristics, Rice bran, storage, packaging.


Rice bran is one of the local raw materials for carbohydrate sources, and it is produced by milling rice into rice. It can potentially be used as a raw animal feed material because it contains good nutrient levels. This study aims to identify the characteristics of rice bran stored in different types of packaging. This study used a completely randomized design with four treatments (P1 = without packaging, P2 = packaging with rice sack, P3 = packaging with clear plastic, P4 = packaging with black plastic) and five replications. The variables observed included colour, texture, odour, water content, dry matter and crude fat. The results showed that black plastic packaging physically showed a light brown colour, did not clump and was not rancid. Chemically, black plastic packaging showed lower rice bran dry matter content and higher crude fat content compared to no packaging or with sack and clear plastic packaging. This study concludes that black plastic packaging is better at maintaining rice bran's physical and chemical quality than no packaging or with large sacks and clear plastic packaging.


