Agrosilvopastural Contribution in Ecological Sustainability in Waumere Village, Tikep District, West Muna Regency


  • Abdul sakti Jurusan Kehutanan Fakultas Kehutanan dan Ilmu lingkungan Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Sahindomi Bana
  • Lade Ahmalin
  • Dewi Fitria
  • Sarwinda Intan Putri
  • . Khabiirun



Agrosilvopastural system, biodiversity, Waumere Village, species diversity


The agrosilvopastural system is an integrated approach that combines agriculture, forestry, and livestock management to enhance land productivity and ecological sustainability. This study explores the contribution of the agrosilvopastural system to maintaining biodiversity and improving socio-cultural welfare in Waumere Village, Tikep District, Muna Regency. Data was collected from 30 households utilizing a 240-hectare agrosilvopastural area. Key ecological metrics such as species density, frequency, and diversity were analyzed, revealing a moderate biodiversity index (H') of 2.36 at the tree level. Teak (Tectona grandis) was the dominant species, while white jabon (Neolamarckia cadamba) had the lowest diversity. The system's integration of agriculture, forestry, and livestock not only supports ecological balance but also enhances soil productivity through crop rotation practices, contributing to sustainable rural development. This research underscores the potential of the agrosilvopastural system in addressing environmental challenges while improving the livelihoods of local communities


